
Celebrating Spring Batch 2024: we ended with the grand finale Demo Day

Last week, the whole AceON team buzzed with excitement as the Spring Accelerator program of 2024 culminated in the finale – Demo Day. This event hosted in the hearth of Europe – in Bratislava, Slovakia, marked the end of an intensive 2-month collaboration with 36 start-ups selected into our latest cohort.  

Showcasing New International Talent at Start-up Scene

On stage, 10 promising start-ups presented their solutions that they are developing to solve different problems in our society or within companies. Our mission during the Spring Accelerator was to help the founders to understand better their business, finances, marketing, market, product development and, of course, VC world to increase their chances to fundraise. We truly believe the results were seen in the pitch decks at Demo Day.  

The start-ups that presented at our finale event are based in different regions, from Portugal to Georgia:  

  1. Cerebria Tech from Slovakia, data-driven B2B platform that supports revenue growth. The platform provides comprehensive information about potential customers from more than 10 trusted sources.
  1. Swayme from Poland, platform that connects social media users with businesses that offer discounts and incentives for posting and tagging their products or services on Instagram.
  1. Stride from Romania, mobile application that replicates features of cognitive behavioral therapy and fosters nicotine-free lives from within.
  1. Biterium AI from Georgia, bringing preventive and cardiovascular health by cloud-based SaaS solution for healthcare providers and conversational mobile app.
  1. Progalit from Ukraine, SaMD (Software as a Medical Device) providing automation of treatment and prevention of kidney stones (urolithiasis).
  1. Jusi from Portugal, making app development simple by estimating budget and timeline of the development and matching with the right developer.
  1. Cloudcrop from Georgia, a digital agronomist for all greenhouses resulting in a significant profit growth.
  1. ContextMinds from Czech Republic, SaaS start-up saving time and money of marketing agencies, SMEs and content marketers in area of content planning.
  1. from Poland, creating digital clones (B2C, B2B).
  1. Gameblyo from Poland, mobile game treating amblyopia – vision and brain-affecting disease.

And the Winner Is ...

The absolute winner was chosen by the jury consisting of Ján Kasper (ZAKA VC), Peter Pašek (Accace) and Andrej Petrus (ZAKA VC). It was a hard decision to pick the best, as there were many very good start-ups. Finally, Cerebria Tech has been announced as the winner of the whole Spring Accelerator 2024, but it was very close for Cloudcrop.

Our 80 guests in the audience also got a chance to vote for their most favorite start-up of the day. Most of the votes got Polish start-up Swayme.  


A Big “Thank You” to Mentors and Partners

During the program start-up founders were paired with seasoned mentors who dedicated their time and offered invaluable insights and guidance. These mentors are industry experts, C-level executives, and successful entrepreneurs and they played a big and important role in our effort to support the start-up. We appreciate it!

At the same time, the program would not be this good without our partners, who helped us with scouting these amazing start-ups and offer perks to easy the product development and sales. Perks for the participants were provided by Kiuub, Kickscale and Deskree.  

Looking Ahead

As the event ended, it was clear that this was just the beginning for many of the start-ups. We hope to stay in touch with all of them and still help them on their journey to success.

AceON Accelerator and its team also continue to look ahead. Right after Spring Batch, we start to prepare our Autumn Accelerator 2024. Currently, we are thinking about what to improve to make the best international program for start-ups.

Stay tuned for the shiny future of AceON and accelerated start-ups!

May 28, 2024

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